Monday 30 June 2014

The Mortal Instruments: City of Lost Souls

Okay so I'm kind of annoyed with myself for not writing this post straight after finishing as I have started the final book in the serious so I'm going to find it difficult to think about CoLS. 

Overall I really enjoyed this book and found it extremely difficult to put down and due to this it took me around a week to read, that may seem a long time to some readers but I'm not the fastest when it comes to reading. 
Anyway on to why I liked this book, I loved how we got to learn more about other characters rather than just the main ones and the development of relationships really allowed you to feel as if you knew the characters. For example we where able to see how Simon and Isabelle's relationship would develop and it allowed us to learn more about Isabelle's past and why she finds trusting people so difficult, this allowed me to feel as if I knew Isabelle and she became a lot more real.
I found Maia and Jordans relationship quite difficult to accept and often found myself thinking that Maia is making a mistake taking Jordan back, I'm not going to go into in much detail as I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. In a way I sort of wish that they decided that they couldn't be together as I would have shown Maia's strength regardless of the pain she felt.
In the books leading up to this one I have loved Alec and Magnus' relationship, they where so cute and I though it was great that Cassandra Clare developed a gay relationship as it made the story more realistic. However Alec was so annoying in CoLS and I found myself wanting them to break up because it was just so irritating and I wish he hadnt changed into such a bitter person it just didn't suit him.
In terms of the main focus of the book involving Clary, Jace and Sebastian I really enjoyed a lot of the aspects such as Valentines house and the different places that were visited in this book. Sebastian is so evil and I really do love to hate him, he makes my skin crawl but I see that as a good things as it has really allowed me to connect to the character and I feel like I know him. In terms of Jace I found myself wanting to scream with frustration he was completely under Sebastian's control and nothing Clary did or said would change that, I found myself smiling when 'Jace' and Clary had a special moment and then I would remember that he's not really Jace, it was so frustrating but perfect at the same time. When the real Jace came back for a short amount of time I was so excited and it made me realise how much I do love his character and I hated that for the majority of the book we didn't get to see that.
In terms of the amount of action I kinda of feel that at the end was kind of rushed and I felt that all the action was saved for the last chapter or so. However I did enjoy how the book ended and thought that it was a good plot twist.
Overall I really enjoyed this book I'm sorry if this review isn't very good my mind is completely focused of city of heavenly fire and I'm finding it hard to tare myself away from it. I'm about half way though it so a review should be up soon.

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